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CAS - Klaus Brasch - California Nebula


First Dark Sky

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California Nebula

One good thing about cloudy nights and full moon times is that I get to play with some of my old deep-sky images and try to improve them after learning some new processing and stacking tricks. This one is a composite of some 16 images of the ghost-like California Nebula taken over a period of 4 years with 2 different cameras (modified Canon 50D & 6D) and 3 different refractors (TeleVue 101, TMB-130 & 92) and 2 different filters (IDAS-LPS-V3 & V4). Cumulative exposure of the composite is about 50 minutes at ISO 800-3200. These were stacked and processed in PS CS6, using the HDR application which gives a 3D- like appearance.

Moral of the story? Don't delete your older images for at least 4 years :-)

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